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Ceremonies, Cleansing & Rituals

Transitions and transformations are a big deal! Shamans create ceremonies, ceremonial altars & rituals for specific changes in life like coming of age, graduations, to honor ancestors, the elements of Nature, or even tragic events. Often, before we can shift our lives, we must come to closure with old patterns, beliefs, pain, or life situations. A ceremony creates the space for the end of cycles and allows us to call in beauty and wholeness.


Rising Fire practitioners facilitate unique ceremonies, altars & rituals for individuals, couples, and groups. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Death & Dying

  • Coming of Age

  • Weddings

  • Graduation

  • Home & Land

  • Health Milestones

Despacho Ceremony

The Peruvian Despacho is a sacred ceremony for creating harmony and “right relationship” in the world. It is a personal and collective healing practice that allows us access to our deepest resources for transformation.

A Despacho is a gift for Pachamama (Spirit of the Earth in the Quechua language) that we create in ceremony. It places us in "Ayni”
(right relationship)  with Pachamama, with our work, our families, and our own internal landscape. This is the most significantly used ceremony in the High Andes of Peru.

The Despacho ceremony reconnects us to our True Self  as it awakens and strengthens our core energy centers:

Yankay - our personal power and source of action, located in our belly;
Munay - the source of our unconditioned love, located in our heart center, and;
Yachay – the wisdom sourced from our head center also known as the third eye center.


This ceremony will assist you in breaking down old patterns, and lay the foundation for a new paradigm and possibilities in the world. Despachos are both mystical and practical. They are truly a living art form!


​*This ceremony can be for individuals and communities.

** For individual Despacho ceremonies go to Private Healing Sessions

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Death as a Journey
~ Individuals and Family

Rising Fire practitioners have experience with assisting dying clients and their families. Support can take the form of energy work and ceremony to loosen old energy patterns and family dynamics. Healers develop an individualized plan for each client so we can offer just the right shamanic healing resources.



“Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with their heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.”

– Rumi


Create a ceremony with Rosemary!

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Fire Ceremony

Fire is a great transformer, and it is needed for regeneration.  This ancient tradition is a powerful way to release worry, dense energy in the body and in the luminous energy field, to call in what is needed, and express prayers and gratitude.Rising Fire Shamanism is honored to share this beautiful and potent ritual with you.

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