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Healers Training Program

Learn To Work Elegantly And Effectively With Any Client Issue Or Disease

The shaman hears the soul’s longing for wholeness and is devoted to accessing this wisdom and power for the well-being of their community. The Rising Fire Shamanic Healing program will teach and support you to cultivate the advanced skills you need for a successful and meaningful healing practice.  The two-year intensive training will guide, nurture, and inspire you!


Shamanic Healership

  • Work with Living Energy – moving, clearing, healing

  • Learn to provide safety for all client issues

  • Deepen understanding of psychological processes

  • Learn to recognize and heal habitual or ancestral patterns; physical disease or emotional stress

  • Learn the difference between healing and curing

Rising Fire private sessions will help you identify and remove unhealthy dynamics, ancestral themes and limiting patterns. By healing the imprint of the original wounding, practitioners empower clients to clear the fear, blocks, trauma, and pain of the past. We facilitate and support your healing journey with a toolkit of effective, non-dual approaches, that allow you to step out of old habitual patterns and into a new framework for life. ​


Class materials provide resources and diverse perspectives

  • Original course materials, handouts, and concept documents are yours to keep.

  • Access to private forum for discussion, questions, and communication on workshop topics.

  • Recommended reference library of advanced readings & teachings that build a strong foundation for well-rounded practitioners. (Students are responsible for purchasing their own copies of books or audiobooks. Some titles are available through local libraries.)


Deepen your understanding and skills with group practices

  • Monthly classes provide ample time for questions and practicing new skills with experienced facilitators. This dynamic sets up a sacred space for learning and engaging the group dynamic for learning

  • Opportunity to develop personal healing style, outside of workshop time, by engaging fellow students in practice sessions


Supervised clinical format develops confidence

  • Applying shamanic practices in a supervised clinical setting allows students to perfect their healing work. Group sharing and teamwork provides a setting for students to practice and receive feedback in a supportive environment

  • Rising Fire offers the opportunity to participate in our Community Healing Day as a practitioner

  • Begin or expand your private practice with the confidence gained by having worked with many issues and illnesses throughout your training.


Private Mentoring

A personal mentor will guide you each step of the way as you work through the program

  • Group healing sessions with the instructor will address wounds and blockages that obscure your own freedom in the world

  • Private mentoring to work your edge as you accelerate your own transformation in preparation to facilitate healing with others

Certification in Shamanic Healing

Formal Certificates issued as students demonstrate mastery of core and advanced healing skills.

The next class coming soon!

**Rising Fire has updated the curriculum for Medicine Wheel. Students who graduated Medicine Wheel prior to 2017 and would like to enroll in the Healers Training Program will receive 50% discount to participate in the revised Medicine Wheel program**

We are accepting applications now!
There are only 10 slots available for the program.

Program cost is $15,000. Non-refundable deposit $3,000

Get Started!  Enroll Now

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