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A personal note from Rosemary, founder of Rising Fire

Rising Fire

Updated: Apr 3, 2024

Hello Dear Explorers,

As many of you know, I went on sabbatical in November of 2021 to support my health. This past fall, winter, and spring were particularly difficult, and in April 2022 my sabbatical turned in to a medical leave of absence. With help from my husband, doctor, friends, family, and colleagues at Rising Fire, I am getting better. I am continuing my medical sabbatical through the end of the year and at that point I will determine the next steps.

Healing is not for the faint of heart! I say this often when I am teaching.

Healing is challenging, and I am always up for a good challenge. This has been a particularly difficult challenge for me, yet I have received amazing gifts along the way.

One of the gifts I received was during a retreat in my hometown of Mineral California. I saw a teacher from my elementary school. She and her mother were my favorite teachers. I had an impromptu afternoon with her in her back yard filled with Aspen, Cedar, Fir, and Pine trees.

As we were catching up on family and friends, she told me she had something for me.  I was curious to say the least! She went into her house and retrieved the item.  She told me that she had cared for it ever since I asked her to hold it for me 45+ years ago. She has kept in on her altar all this time, through all her moves, the raising of 4 children, and her divorce.  She asked me to hold out my hand and in it she placed the most perfect black flat basalt skipping stone.

She told me that on the last day of school, I ran up to her and asked if she would hold this rock for me. She looked at it and said YES!   As she gave it to me, she said she could see me in her mind’s eye as if it was yesterday with my big smile and twinkle in my eyes. I was SO moved! I told her I could totally see myself as a child doing this very thing. It truly is an epic skipping stone, perfect small, and enchanted. She told me that she knew she was the caretaker of this stone and that someday she would return it to me. She said, “it’s like your little girl just gave you a gift that only she could give you, and I was the guardian, the keeper of a treasure”. I almost burst into tears, but I was so amazed and full of awe, that I started laughing.   I remain amazed and full of awe, so grateful to her for being who she is and giving me this gift of renewal and remembering the JOY that I had during those days in Mineral. Then I shared with her the reason I was in Mineral. “I am re-membering the parts of my childhood I loved – the Joy, the Awe and Wonder” and I told her “She is a part of that colossal awe inspired healing”.

I remain amazed and full of awe, so grateful to her for being who she is and giving me this gift of renewal and remembering the JOY that I had during those days in Mineral. Then I shared with her the reason I was in Mineral. “I am re-membering the parts of my childhood I loved – the Joy, the Awe and Wonder” and I told her “She is a part of that colossal awe inducing healing”.

Now I am taking the time to integrate the part of me I gave back to myself through my dear friend who knew me better than most.

Not so surprising she is a mesa carrier too. That story is for another time!

I am so grateful for all the tools I have. The tools and teachings that I have been immersed in for the last 45+ years are helping me navigate this unfamiliar territory of non-doing, resting, and the familiar, looking at my concept of self. Not to mention the heavy metal, mycotoxin, and mold detox that my physical body is going through.

My current motto is “Matter follows Energy”. Therefore, all the energetic, emotional, and mental healing continues with the amazing stone as a guide, as well as the intense physical healing. As the energetic body heals the body follows.

I think of the Luminous Body that the Q’ero teach about. As we heal, we transform into Luminous BE-ings they call it the Rainbow body.

My perfect black basalt skipping stone

I leave you with a quote by Bayo Akomolafe ~ a philosopher, writer, activist, professor of psychology, and executive director of the Emergence Network.

“The call to slow down works to bring us face to face with the invisible, the hidden, the unremarked, the yet-to-be-resolved. Sometimes, what is the appropriate thing to do is not the effective thing to do.”

May you all Thrive!

Urpichai & Munaycha,

(Quechan meaning “Thank you – unconditioned love, beauty, and sweetness”)


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